
This is an application for people to read and write reviews for the most popular mobile carriers in Japan.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Link to Deployed Site : https://phone-review-app.onrender.com/ (Currently Not Available)

The Frontend


This file contains the routes and the client side endpoints for each separate page


AvgScores - displays all of the average scores on the carrier profile pages (the pink card)

Button - a template for most of the buttons on the app

Card - the cards that are displayed for each carrier on the Homepage

Dropdown Menu - the dropdown menu that allows user to select which carrier they are reviewing on the Forms page

Footer - the footer that is displayed on all pages

Header - the header that is displayed on the Homepage and the thank you message after submission

Input - a template for the input fiels on the Forms page

Navbar - alternate version of the Header component; this one has a home button in the upper right corner

ProviderInfo - displays the hero at the top of each carrier profile page

Radio - Score system for user to choose 0 - 10


Form - the page where the user will input their scores and write their review

Homepage - the homepage; this is the root path ("/").

Additonally, there is a page for each of the nine carriers and a Provider.css page for styling these pages.


<span className={className}>
    <br />
   <label htmlFor={label} 
className = {string}, label={string}, radioName={string}, scoreSetter={function}/>

radioName is the radio name for all those name for radio, in this example, it is bob

React in radio button uses a boolean method call checked to determine which buttons in the radio set are selected.

<input checked={ true } name=”bob” value=”0”>{ /* commercial secret */ }</input>
<input checked={ false } name=”bob” value=”1”>{ /* commercial secret */ }</input>
<input checked={ false } name=”bob” value=”2”>{ /* commercial secret */ }</input>

We have a useState that default the selected button to 0 score. And the same useState has function to change that selected button value.

const [selectRadioButton, setSelectRadioButton] = useState(‘0’)

Another function ,isRadioSelected, is created to determine true/false by comparing the current value and the useState variable.

const isRadioSelected = (value) => selectRadioButton === value

This isRadioSelected function is placed on each button and linked to each button’s checked . When the useState function changes value (ie. user changing its score), the isRadioSelected return false, which make current button checked become false and since the value at the selected button is that given value, this make isRadioSelected which pointed to button checked became true. We used another function which handle Radio select (handleRadioSelect).

const handleRadioSelect = (event) => setSelectRadioButton(event.target.value);

When radio button is change, selectRadioButton changes as onChange is linked to handleRadioSelect. Every button has this function at onChange, so when a button status change, it will follow:

<input checked={isRadioSelected(input.value) onChange={handleRadioSelect}>} </input>

When user decided to select other score, the function changed useState variable selectRadioButton, thereby causing previous selected button checked become false, the user now selected button has checked become true.

The Backend

API endpoints

The express server contains 4 /api endpoints, though one is just used for testing ('/api/hello').


This endpoint requires no inputs. This endpoint queries the Database for the seeded provider data and the overall scores from the review_detail table. At the moment, we only have 9 providers, but it could be generalized to take in an id value and query for any number of providers.

The endpoint returns (res.send()) back an array of objects, where each object contains the following keys (id, name, img_url, description, english_support, site_url, overall).

id (integer) is the id value the provider has in the provider table.
name (string) is the name of the provider.
img_url (string) is a img address to the providers logo. description (string) is roughly a paragraph description of the provider.
english_support (boolean) is a value as to if the company provides English customer support.
site_url (string) in the url for the providers website (English page if available). overall (float rounded to 2 decimal places) is the average of all overall scores of that provider.


    "id": 1,
    "name": "Mobal",
    "img_url": "https://www.mobal.com/img/common/logo.svg",
    "description": "A US based company that offers Japanese and International sim plans for both long-term and short-term stays. Mobal guarantees that the majority of their profits go to charity. They also offer complete English-speaking support. They also offer a home wifi plan with a mobile hotspot plan.",
    "english_support": true,
    "site_url": "https://www.mobal.com/",
    "overall": 5.71


This endpoint requires the providerid parameter as a number (1-9). This number corrolates to the providers location in the provider table.

This endpoint returns an array of two values [providerInfo, reviews] where: providerInfo is an object reviews is an array of review objects.

The first element (providerInfo) has all the same keys as in /api/providers, as well as (ease_of_use, coverage, price, customer_service). Each of these keys are the average scores of their respective reviewer criteria.

reviews is an array of objects where each object contains the following keys (reviewer_name, overall, ease_of_use, coverage, price, customer_service,customer_review).

reviewer_name (string) is the name of the reviewer to display. overall (number) is the reviewer's overall score. ease_of_use (number) is the reviewer's Ease of Use score. coverage (number) is the reviewer's coverage score. price (number) is the reviewer's price score. customer_service (number) is the reviewer's customer service score. customer_review (string) is the reviews written review of the company.


This endpoint is to add a new customers review. This endpoint takes the review in the body, test if that email had been used prior to review that company, and if it hasn't adds it to the database.

This endpoint expects the body to contain the following information: provider_id (number) reviewer_name (string) email (string) overall (number) ease_of_use (number) coverage (number) price (number) customer_service (number) customer_review (string)

example body:

    "reviewer_name": "Todd Rogers",
    "email": "godslayerXD@hotmail.com",
    "overall": 8,
    "ease_of_use": 6,
    "coverage": 9,
    "price": 7,
    "customer_service": 9,
    "customer_review": "Creating an account and getting the SIM card is a little annoying, and once you put the SIM card in your phone, there is a bit of annoyance in setting up the data plan on your phone. However, once you finish the setup, I haven't had an issue with the server and everytime I contacted customer service, my issue was quickly addressed."

Helpful Resources

React Router Docs

Faker JS Docs

Our Color Palette