BOPTESTS-Gym is the OpenAI-Gym environment for the BOPTEST framework. This repository accommodates the BOPTEST API to the OpenAI-Gym convention in order to facilitate the implementation, assessment and benchmarking of reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms for their application in building energy management. RL algorithms from the Stable-Baselines 3 repository are used to exemplify and test this framework.
The environment is described in this paper.
contains the core functionality of this Gym environment.environment.yml
contains the dependencies required to run this software./examples
contains prototype code for the interaction of RL algorithms with an emulator building model from BOPTEST./testing
contains code for unit testing of this software.
- Create a conda environment from the
file provided (instructions here). - Run a BOPTEST case with the building emulator model to be controlled (instructions here).
- Develop and test your own RL algorithms. See example below using the Bestest hydronic case with a heat-pump and the A2C algorithm from Stable-Baselines:
from boptestGymEnv import BoptestGymEnv, NormalizedActionWrapper, NormalizedObservationWrapper
from stable_baselines3 import A2C
from examples.test_and_plot import test_agent
# BOPTEST case address
url = ''
# Instantite environment
env = BoptestGymEnv(url = url,
actions = ['oveHeaPumY_u'],
observations = {'reaTZon_y':(280.,310.)},
random_start_time = True,
max_episode_length = 24*3600,
warmup_period = 24*3600,
step_period = 900)
# Add wrappers to normalize state and action spaces (Optional)
env = NormalizedObservationWrapper(env)
env = NormalizedActionWrapper(env)
# Instantiate and train an RL algorithm
model = A2C('MlpPolicy', env)
# Test trained agent
observations, actions, rewards, kpis = test_agent(env, model,
Please use the following reference if you used this repository for your research.
author = {Javier Arroyo and Carlo Manna and Fred Spiessens and Lieve Helsen},
title = {{An OpenAI-Gym environment for the Building Optimization Testing (BOPTEST) framework}},
year = {2021},
month = {September},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 17th IBPSA Conference},
address = {Bruges, Belgium},