
A wrapper around pgbench that provides additional feature like result persistence and plotting.

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A nifty wrapper around pgbench that comes with plotting and result management.


go.dev reference



dbench is a convenient wrapper around pgbench that enhances your benchmarking experience with features like result management and plotting. It's designed to make it easy to run, manage, and visualize your PostgreSQL benchmarks.


Important: While the releases offer binaries for multiple platforms and architectures, only Linux is tested. If you are using a different OS, I do not guarantee that dbench will work as expected.

Download one of the releases for your system, or install using the provided install script:

curl -fsSL https://tinyurl.com/install-dbench | bash


dbench requires pgbench and gnuplot to be installed on your system. You can check if they are installed and their versions using the dbench doctor command.


Note: To enhance security, dbench does not offer a password flag. Instead, you have two options: either set the PGPASSWORD environment variable, or input your password when prompted. dbench will subsequently use the PGPASSWORD environment variable in its sub-processes.

To use dbench, you first need to initialize a PostgreSQL Database. Remember to adjust the connection parameters to your needs.

dbench init --db-name=postgres --db-user=postgres --db-host=localhost --db-port=5432 --scale 10

Then, you can run your first array of benchmarks.

dbench run --db-name=postgres --db-user=postgres --db-host=localhost --db-port=5432

Afterward, you can plot the results.

dbench plot <id>

To see all available commands and flags, run dbench --help.