
An exquisite corpse made by Nikolaas W - Becode

Below you will find the start of a very interesting story. A collaboration between some of the most interesting, intelligent and often disturbed minds of the students of BeCode ARAI 5.


One day a programmer fired up his terminal but found not his trusted prompt blinking at him, but instead his terminal started typing gibberish. The programmer was taken aback and started using the shortcuts he learned in his Becode session the day before, to close down the terminal as quickly as possible but to no avail. The programmer started to sweat and thought: "my god, I've been hacked". But that could have not been less true. A hack would have been less disturbing. Sometimes not even the most imaginative of minds can compete with the capricious nature of the natural world, and this time was no exception.

some additions lovely story! added by bocao

I am the hacker 😈


When the programmer started up a new terminal, again the prompt started typing gibberish. Not only that, he started hearing annoying beeps from inside his machine! Wright then and there, he noticed there was a can of soda sitting on his G13 gamepad. Because of that, the machine was recieving input. That explained the beeping sound...

Maybe too late to add to the story, just practicing some push and pull request commands...