PKGi is a WIP OpenSource Packages Manager for Download PKG's Hombrew directly from Source.

Primary LanguageC++


PKGi is a WIP OpenSource Packages Manager for Download PKG's Hombrew directly from Source.

The source code bellow use the OpenOrbis SDK, it's a legal homebrew !

Create this own repository

PKGi allow you to create repository, please see "PKGi-Server"

Basics information :

The info.json contains basic information for PKGi

{"name": "You're server name here"}

The logo.png is the first logo show when you're source is loaded by PKGi

Database structure :

Create a table with this structure.

Type Name Use
int id The unique identifier (primary key)
varchar(255) name The referer diirectory
varchar(255) download The information json

Don't forget to change mysql username and password inside packages.php

Folder structure :

The stuctures of the repository folder is :

Type Name Use
Directory pkgs The packages directory
Directory refs The referer diirectory
Directory icons The icons directory
File info.json The information json
File logo.png The source logo
File packages.php The packages list manager

Inside all of the directory, the name of the files need to port the name of the unique id of the package pkgs/1.pkg .... refs/1.json .... icons/1.png

Referer :

The referer is a json file used by the PS4 for download the packages, you need to generate the referer using the tools generate_refs.php, please be sure to change the variable $baseurl before generate this.

The script generate_refs.php generate the referer json. Please rename the scripts name !

Add a packages :
  1. Create the line in the database and got the id
  2. Add the packages inside the pkgs folder and name it with this unique identifier (id).
  3. Call the url : http://yourserver.com/mysuperrepo/generate_refs.php?id=1 (don't forget to rename the script file for prevent use from other)
  4. The packages is now available to other !
Package list structures :

You can recreate you're own packages.php if you want, just to be sure to return a json of this type: {"total":2,"page":1,"line":5,"packages":[{"id":0,"name":"Test","download":3},{"id":1,"name":"UpdaterToolkit","download":0}]}

Name Use
total total number of packages
page the current page number
line the current number of packages returned
packages The packages list objects

Inside a package object :

Name Use
id the id of a packages (need to be unique)
name The name of the package
download The number of download


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PKGi is not designed for Piracy ! Piracy is illegal, Me and other developers can't be responsible for content proposed inside "Source". Please respect laws of your country.


Original Packages icon by Freepik TinyJSON by pbhogan OpenOrbis Toolchain and Mira by OpenOrbis Team Package Installation Writeup by Flat_Z API Help & Improvement by 0x199