
Minimal virtual machine templates for ubuntu and debian

Primary LanguageBatchfileApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Packer templates for Debian and Ubuntu

Original debian repo: https://github.com/quarkslab/packer-debian
which is based on: https://github.com/boxcutter/debian

Orignal ubuntu repo: https://github.com/boxcutter/ubuntu/

Original windows repo: https://github.com/juju4/windows

  1. Generate Boxes
    1. Debian 9.0.0 AMD64
    2. Ubuntu 18.04.2 AMD64
  2. Security
    1. SHA256

Generate Boxes

Don't forget to download in the directory the ISO file listed in the debian-X.X.X-amd64.json or ubuntu-XX.XX.X-amd64 file.

Debian 9.0.0 AMD64

    $ packer-io build -only=vmware-iso -var-file=debian-9.0.0-amd64.json debian.json

Ubuntu 18.04.2 AMD64

    $ packer-io build -only=vmware-iso -var-file=ubuntu-18.04.2-amd64.json ubuntu.json


Be careful with VMWare provider, they may need a manual task to do:

  • When the mirror selection fail, click on "Go back"
  • Go back to the "selection step menu"
  • Select the "Configure Network" and then it should not fail again



To improve security, you can take advantage of the config.vm.box_download_checksum Vagrantfile option.

First, you need to verify the integrity of the checksums. As they are part of the README.md file, you need to verify the integrity of this file (See Security/PGP):