Download a bunch of wallpapers from the hot sections of r/wallpapers
It doesn't even have to be wallpapers! PrawPapers will download images from any subreddit
Going into a little more detail the script will:
- Query Reddit for an amount of posts (25 by default)
- Sift through the reddit posts finding direct image links and imgur posts/albums
- Extract all image links from any imgur albums found and add them to the link pool
- Check whether any of the links has been downloaded before, sorting out those who has
- Download all the now sorted links
- Go through all downloaded images deleting images smaller than the minimum size, and those with a different aspect ratio
The configuration mode lets you tweak almost all settings to your desire, including but not limited to:
- Default subreddit
- Minimum image dimensions
- Amound of posts to sift through
- And more
Inspirations is drawn from Daily-Reddit-Wallpaper
- Sort by size
- Sort by aspect ratio
- Multi threaded download for fast downloading
- Database functionality ensuring no redownloads and allows you to keep track of images downloaded
- Scrape by section
- Scrape by subreddit search
- Imgur album support (up to 10 images pr. album, will hopefully be improved)
- Customize behaviour to your liking through an easy to use configurator
- Logging functionality
- Download and install python from (If you're unsure download version 3.5 and chose default install)
- Clone or download/extract the repository
- Install requirements with
py -m pip install -r requirements.txt
(You might have to use python or python3 instead of py depending on your system/install) 4. Set up your client_secret.json file
The new version of praw requires you to identify the script before you can use it, this is fortunately quite easy, just follow the steps below.
- Go to this page on reddit (you might have to log in)
- Scroll down to the bottom and click the "Create another app" button
- Tick off 'script' and fill out the remaining boxes
- You'll now be able to see your app in the list
- Open your client_secret.json file in your favourite text editor
- Replace YOUR-CLIENT-ID with the weird line of characters under the "personal use script" label, keep the quotations (See screenshot)
- Repeat step 6 for the YOUR-CLIENT-SECRET field, this time using the characters next to the "secret" label (See screenshot)
- praw
- requests
- bs4
- pillow
The script can be run by double clicking or via the commandline with the latter being the best option since the script accepts a variety of optional arguments
Basic use: search through the first 25 posts of /r/wallpapers
py prawpapers
"Advanced" use: Search the first 100 posts of /r/MinimalWallpaper and save a log
py prawpapers -s MinimalWallpaper -l 100 --log
- -con or --config enter configuration mode
- --subreddit <subreddit> or -s <subreddit> specify which subreddit to download images from, omit the /r/ (default is wallpapers)
- --limit <number> or -l <number> specify how many posts to search as a whole number (default is 25)
- --threads <number> or -t <number> specify how many download threads to spawn
- --re or -r will try to re download every post previously downloaded
- --nc or --noclean don't delete small images
- --ns or --nosort skip sorting out previosuly downloaded images
- --na or --noalbum skip imgur albums
- --log save a log of posts skipped
- --verbose or -v print skipped posts to console
- --section or -se <section> Specify which section you want to scrape (hot, new, top, rising)
- --ratiolock or -rlock <lock strength> Lock downloaded images to a certain aspect ratio, the value of the lock will determine the allowed margin of error, 0 for no lock, 1 for fully locked (only exactly matching aspect ratios), I recommend a value between 0.9 and 1 for decent results.
- --search or -q <query> scrape all search results of chosen subreddit