
Tools for improving developer experience and enforcing cross-project standards.

Primary LanguageShell


This tool exists in order to enforce proposed conventions and provide better DX for projects utilizing technologies like docker (especially docker-compose and docker-machine), node, webpack, nextjs and so on.

The following instructions are outlined for the repositories (projects) utilizing this tool.

Setup and prerequisites

  • Make sure you have both "name" and "organization" keys set in the target project package.json file.
  • ake sure to run dxtools from either npm or yarn scripts because commands heavily rely on target projects package.json keys which end up in the environment.


  1. Run yarn add --dev https://github.com/nikolakanacki/dxtools.git
  2. Add "tools": "dxtools" under "scripts" key in your package.json file.
  3. Prosper.

Environment files

Global environment is set with DXTOOLS_ENV variable and defaults to development if not set before running the command (you can also use options arguments to set it, see below). You can prevent the environment loading completely by setting DXTOOLS_ENV_LOADED to 'true' or by using --no-env options argument. Passing any of the environment options arguments will reset DXTOOLS_ENV_LOADED to false.

The following files / file patterns will be loaded into environment in the order specified below:

  • .env.default: Commitable default values applied for all environments.
  • .env.<DXTOOLS_ENV>: Commitable <DXTOOLS_ENV> values.
  • .env.<DXTOOLS_ENV>.local: Non commitable <DXTOOLS_ENV> specific values.
  • .env: Non commitable values applied last for all environments.


# In your project (if you did set up package.json):
yarn tools [...options] <command> [...args]


  • -e|--env <env>: Set DXTOOLS_ENV value to <env>.
  • --no-env: Prevent environment loading.
  • -ed|-ep|-es: Set DXTOOLS_ENV to development, production or staging, accordingly.
  • -d|--cd <path>: Change directory to <path> before running any commands. This is done after the environment has already been loaded. You can also set with DXTOOLS_CWD env variable.
