
Methods for semi-supervised learning on graphs

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If you are using our code, please cite our papers:

D. Berberidis, A. N. Nikolakopoulos and G. B. Giannakis, "Adaptive Diffusions for Scalable Learning Over Graphs," in IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 67, no. 5, pp. 1307-1321, March1, 2019. doi: 10.1109/TSP.2018.2889984

D. Berberidis, A. N. Nikolakopoulos and G. B. Giannakis, "AdaDIF: Adaptive Diffusions for Efficient Semi-supervised Learning over Graphs," 2018 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), Seattle, WA, USA, 2018, pp. 92-99. doi: 10.1109/BigData.2018.8622130


SSL implements and runs tests for different semi-supervised learning methods on multiclass or multilabel graphs with available ground-truth labels.

Two modes available:

  • test: Takes as input a graph and labels over all nodes. Randomly sumples a number of nodes (num_seeds) and predicts the labels of teh remaining ones. Experiments are repeated for a predefined number of times (num_iters) and the mean Micro F1 and Macro F1 scores are reported.
  • predict: This is the operational mode. A graph is given and a file with a subset of nodes and its labels. The selected method is implemented and the predicted labels over all the nodes of the graph in a predefined (outfile) output file.

Methods included:

  • PPR: Personalized PageRank
  • TunedRwR: Tuned random walk with restarts ( see here )
  • AdaDIF: Adaptive Diffusions for Efficient Semi-supervised Learning over Graphs ( see here )


SSL loads the graph in adjacency list format from a .txt file that contains edges as tab separated pairs of node indexes in the format: node1_index \tab node2_index. Node indexes should be in range [1 , 2^64 ].

For multiclass graphs, the labels are loaded from a .txt file where each line is of the format: node_index \tab label . Labels have to be integers in [-127,127].

For multilabel graphs, labels are loaded from a .txt file in compressed one-hot-matrix form (see graphs/HomoSapiens/class.txt for example).

when in test mode, all nodes must be labeled (present in the label file).

When in predict(ion) mode, any subset of nodes can be labeled.


  • Multiclass: Similar to input, each line is node_index \tab predicted_label
  • Multilabel: The output for multilabel graphs is a ranking for every node. Each line follows the format node_index: \tab pred_1 pred_2 ... pred_c, where pred_i is the i-th most probable label for this node.


Dependencies: blas and pthread must be installed

Command line: make clean and then make


Command line: ./SSL [OPTIONS]


Command line optional arguments with values:

--mode test
test Operational mode (see Overview)
--method Tuned_RwR
AdaDIF Selection of prediction method (see Overview)
--graph_file (adjacency list).txt graphs/BlogCatalog/adj.txt See Input Files Format
--label_file (label list or one-hot).txt graphs/BlogCatalog/class.txt See Input Files Format
--outfile (predicted labels).txt out/label_predictions.txt File where predictions are stored when in --mode = __predict__ (see Output Files Format)
--num_seeds [1, 2^16] 1030 Number of nodes that are labeled ( only works when --mode = __test__ )
--walk_length [1, 2^16] 10 Length of AdaDIF (and/or PPR) random walk.
--lambda_trwr >=0.0 1.0 Regularization parameter for Tuned RwR method
--lambda_addf >=0.0 5.0 Smoothness over the graph regularization parameter for AdaDIF method
--num_iters [1, 2^16] 1 Number of experiments performed ( only works when --mode = __test__ )

Default values can be changed by editing defs.h

Command line optional arguments without values:

--unconstrained switches AdaDIF to unconstrained mode
--single_thread forces single thread execution
--multiclass specifies multiclass input / output (default is multilabel)