
AngularJS + Rails app for managing company receipts and invoices

Primary LanguageHTML

Business informatics project

Build Status


Technology stack:

  • Backend:
    • Ruby 2.2.3
    • Rails 4.2.4
    • RSpec 3.4.4
  • Frontend:
    • AngularJS 1.5.5
    • Angular Material design
    • ES6 with Babel (JS preprocessor)


  • Nikola Djuza
  • Vladimir Besermenji
  • Aleksandar Bosnjak

Ways to contribute:

  1. Clone this repository git clone git@github.com:nikolalsvk/receipt-yourself.git
  2. Or if you already cloned it go to master branch with git checkout master and then git pull
  3. Create a new branch git checkout -b NAME_OF_THE_BRANCH. NAME_OF_THE_BRANCH = your_initials + /name-of-the-feature
  4. Do some changes
  5. Then push the code git push
  6. Submit a pull request for review