
Get the list of most active users in GitHub by country from GitHub Graph API using JavaScript in Node.js

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status Language grade: JavaScript Total alerts GitHub GitHub code size in bytes

Go to HTTP http://www.githubstats.com/ Go to HTTP Secured https://githubstats-com.herokuapp.com/

The project queries the list of active users in GitHub by country using GitHub Graph API on Node.js and the UI is created by using React.js. The app updates in every 24 hours and displays 256 top contributers.



GitHub Stats

United States

GitHub Stats


GitHub Stats

How it works?

Users need to create a GitHub token to fetch the results from GitHub Graph API. The list of countries and the cities are listed in server.js as arrays and GraphQuery.js fetches the data from GitHub Graph API. After the fetch was completed, it creates a JSON file in /client/src/data/ where the React app gets the list of users and the contribution.


Contributions are accepted and create a PR for contributions.


  1. Inside DevInside Dev (Oct 21st, 2019) https://inside.com/campaigns/inside-dev-2019-10-21-18599