
List of commands for TkStar TK905

TK905 SMS Commands List (Version 1.0)

Item SMS format for setting Reply Example Description
GPRS ON GPRS+123456 GPRS ok GPRS123456 Open GPRS
GPRS OFF noGPRS+123456 no GPRS ok noGPRS123456 Shut GPRS
Set APN apn+123456+apn content apn ok apn123456 apn Set APN (old one will be replaced)
APN user apnuser+123456+space+content apnuser ok apnuser123456 user Set APN username (if without, please ignore)
APN password apnpasswd+123456+space+content apnpasswd ok apnpasswd123456 password Set APN password (if without, please ignore)
Set authorized number admin+123456+space+number admin ok admin123456 13417411616 Set authorized number; only these numbers can control the unit
NO authorized number noadmin+123456+space+number noadmin ok noadmin123456 13417411616
Set password password+old 123456+space+new 123456 password ok password 123456 666888 Set password
Retrieve password cpwd old pwd:123456 cpwd
Timezone timezone+123456+space+GMT No. time ok timezone123456 -4 Set GMT time zone number. (default: 0)
Monitor mode monitor123456 monitor ok monitor123456 Switch to the monitor mode. You will hear sounds near the unit after you call it
Tracking mode tracker123456 tracker ok tracker123456 Switch to the tracking mode, you will get geo-info after you call it
SMS Tracker G+123456 G123456# Latitude & longitude query
Sleep mode by time sleep+123456+space+time(10)
(Change interval time)
sleep time ok sleep123456 10 Enter mode-sleep much power, tracker will fall asleep in 5 minutes (default: 5 minutes)
Sleep mode by shock sleep+123456+space+shock
(Change interval time)
sleep shock ok sleep123456 shock Tracker will enter sleep mode after detect no shock in 5 minutes
Sleep mode OFF sleep+123456+space+off sleep off ok sleep123456 off Tracker will continue working
Upload command upload+123456+space+15
upload ok upload123456 15 Upload information every 15 seconds (default: 120 seconds)
Shock alert ON shock+password shock ok shock123456 Arm
Shock alert OFF noshock+password noshock ok noshock123456 Unarm
Vibrator sms alarm on/off vibalarm+password vibalarm ok vibalarm123456 Defaulted: ON
Vibrator sms alarm on/off novibalarm+password novibalarm ok novibalarm123456 Alarm set OK
Query parameters check123456 check123456 Version, ID, IP, port, domain name, APN, GPS, GSM signal, center number...
AdminIP adminip+123456+space+ip+space+port adminip ok adminip123456 7700 Set Home IP and Port of the server, and update IPs into by cell id
NO AdminIP noadminip+123456+space+ip+space+port noadminip ok noadminip123456
Restore to factory begin+123456 begin ok begin123456 Restore to factory