Small problem in "diagonalise" of the Pair-state basis calculations
linxiaodong-lom opened this issue · 0 comments
linxiaodong-lom commented
Hi, Thank you for your outstanding work. There may be small problem in "diagonalise" of the Pair-state basis calculations.
When sortEigenvectors=True
,It doesn't adiabatically changing eigenstate because the eigenstateDetuning
is unchanged and I think when calculate the interaction . It may be more accurate to start from the far away. So simplily change the self.r = np.sort(rangeR)
to self.r = np.sort(rangeR)[::-1]' and add 'indexadiabatically = sh.index(max(sh))
eigenstateDetuning = ev[indexadiabatically] * 1e9
will solve the problem.