Object-oriented Python library for computation of properties of highly-excited Rydbeg states of alkali and divalent atoms.
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Something wrong in
#180 opened by Jy0417 - 1
ImportError: numpy.core.multiarray failed to import
#178 opened by RNK1337 - 2
Breit Rabi isn't outputting the right F and mf states
#159 opened by VNastya - 1
Wigner 6j for non-integer sum triads
#158 opened by petermao - 1
Two graphs plotted in plot2D function
#156 opened by Wasabi33 - 1
Transition frequency mismatch of Rb87 D2 line
#164 opened by gabbence95 - 2
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pull request 155 (approved) did not update `arc.alkali_atom_functions.__arc_data_version__`
#160 opened by CuriousCesium - 1
Modernizing and extending the build backend
#166 opened by dihm - 3
Loading atom parameters doesn't work
#162 opened by Petros-Kousis - 4
Code crashes with "interactionsUpTo=2"
#165 opened by rydburger - 2
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Quantum defect for G9/2 states in Caesium return 0
#149 opened by johnny-sa - 1
Cs NIST level data do not match current NIST values
#154 opened by petermao - 2
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MacOS Errno 66 on pip install
#152 opened by DRKphysics - 4
AC Stark Maps
#138 opened by dihm - 1
Missing magic wavelength snippet in docs
#144 opened by galClassiq - 0
Add helper function to clarify citations
#141 opened by nikolasibalic - 0
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Float vs. Int for Bz in StarkMap.defineBasis
#117 opened by drewrotunno - 2
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Clarification of documentation in getBranchingRatio
#120 opened by jxm083 - 4
Install Issue on MacOS
#118 opened by henhen724 - 2
'database is locked' for PairStateInteractions
#119 opened by ranfinkelstein - 2
(ARC 3.2) Wrong HFS data for Na23
#116 opened by hpaantee - 3
(ARC 3.2) Two-photon excitation Rabi frequency (twoPhotonRydbergExcitation()) does not agree with the result of published paper
#112 opened by azhutov - 1
online Atom Calculator offline
#114 opened by hpaantee - 4
installation problem
#108 opened by qoforeit - 2
Numbers do not agree
#113 opened by laserroger - 1
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Include option to save more (or all) basis state contributions to composition attribute of StarkMap object
#106 opened by dgenkina - 2
Issue using Calcium40 class
#105 opened by henryfpassagem - 4
Can not call method getDipoleMatrixElementHFStoFS
#102 opened by Vanimiaou - 6
Release 3.1.7 depends on numpy >= 1.22.0
#100 opened by dihm - 6
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SciPy deprecation warnings
#97 opened by dihm - 0
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`Rubidium85()` and `Rubidium87` overwrite each other's HFS data in the SQL database
#93 opened by dihm - 3
Potassium-39 bug
#92 opened by chrigro - 2
ARC_3_1_Additions.html not found
#89 opened by dihm - 1
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Numpy ValueError: cannot reshape array of size 0 into shape (338136,7) while importing atoms data
#84 opened by Vanimiaou - 0
the value of the cross over distance
#82 opened by aqfarouk - 1
What is the Cs ground state HFS expressed in MHz to four significant figures?
#83 opened by linxiaodong-lom