
:coffee: Projects developed for Udacity Java Web Nanodegree

Primary LanguageJava


Super Duper Drive

Project repository for JavaND Project 1, a simple cloud storage made with Spring Boot


Project repository for JavaND Project 2, where students implement a Vehicles API using Java and Spring Boot that can communicate with separate location and pricing services.

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This folder should contain the scaffolded project files to get a student started on their project. This repo will be added to the Classroom for students to use, so please do not have any solutions in this folder.

eCommerce Application

In this project, you'll have an opportunity to demonstrate the security and DevOps skills that you learned in this lesson by completing an eCommerce application. You'll start with a template for the complete application, and your goal will be to take this template and add proper authentication and authorization controls so users can only access their data, and that data can only be accessed in a secure way.