E-Commerce REST API

Architectural Diagram

architectural diagram


This project is a REST API for a replica e-commerce store built using the microservice architecture. The backend consists of five services: Authentication, Account, Payment, Email, and Product. Clients send requests to an API Gateway which redirects the request to the appropriate service. For protected services, the API Gateway verifies client requests have proper authorization in the form of JWT access tokens. A service registry is used to store the network locations of services. The service registry is able to dynamically update the locations of services using an asynchronous Publish-Subscribe pattern. At every given time interval each service publishes to a message broker their service ID and network location. The service registry subscribes to these messages and updates its local storage accordingly.

Account Service


  • GET /accounts/:id
    • Retrieves an account with the given id.
  • GET /accounts?email=
    • Retrieves an account with the given email.
  • POST /accounts
    • Creates a new account.
  • PUT /account/:id
    • Updates an account with the given id.
  • DELETE /accounts/:id
    • Deletes an account with the given id.

Authentication Service


  • POST /signup
    • Registers a new account and generates a new access/refresh token pair.
  • POST /signin
    • Logs in account and generates a new access/refresh token pair.
  • GET /signout
    • Logs out account and invalidates access/refresh token pair.
  • POST /token
    • Generates a new access token, given a valid refresh token.

Product Service


  • GET /products
    • Returns a list of all products.
  • GET /products/:id
    • Returns the product with the given id.
  • POST /products
    • Creates a new product.
  • PUT /products/:id
    • Updates a product with the given id.
  • DELETE /products/:id
    • Deletes the product with the given id.

Service Registry


  • GET /services/:id
    • Returns a service network location (URL) for the given ID. If the service does not exist, returns a status of 404.
  • DELETE /services/:id
    • Deletes a service with the given ID from the database. Returns status code of 200 if successful. If the service is not found then returns status code of 404.
  • POST /services
    • Stores a new service and network location, or overwrites previous if it exists.