The project was about creating a tracking system for hotel costumers who have been in contact with a confirmed COVID-19 case.
Each costumer is soppused to have a NFC-id tag when entering different location of the hotel. Also there is a limit to each costumer access rights depending on location staying and the services registered, which are declared uppon arival.
You can see the basic er diagram , in the er.png file available.
How to make it work:
We work with mysql. You can make changes to your database but please make charges to the config files also.
- Create a database with the following settings: Name: projectdb
- Create a user if there is'nt arleady with the following: Name:root password:NULL (No password) and all the rights.
- Insert the data form the following files according to the order given: projectDB.sql costumer.sql
- You have to add the folder DB to your local php web server. We used XAMP so we added it to xampp\htdocs folder.