RealmWrapper is wrapper library for RealmSwift in realm-cocoa
If you use RealmWrapper, you can easily use UI update through Notification and Transaction processing. Also, you do not have to worry about the retain cycle when using self in the Notification block.
If you use RealmSwift, you have to be careful about try statement and thread processing every transaction. However, In RealmManageable which manages one realm file, transaction processing is performed using Realm-only DispatchQueue. RealmProxiable, which owns RealmManageable, can easily add, modify or delete models without having to worry about try statement and thread processing.
User Model
class User: Object {
dynamic var id: String?
dynamic var name: String?
override static func primaryKey() -> String? {
return "id"
var user = User() = UUID().uuidString = "Kevin"
Using RealmSwift
let realm = try! Realm(configuration: Realm.Configuration(fileURL: URL(fileURLWithPath: RLMRealmPathForFile("user.realm")), schemaVersion: 1, objectTypes: [User.self]))
try! realm.write {
Using RealmWrapper
UserRealmManager().transaction(writeHandler: { (realm) in
- By default, you can use the transaction function to process a Realm Transaction in MainThread
UserRealmManager().transaction(writeHandler: { (realm) in
- It can be implemented by a background thread using DispatchQueue and isSync parameters.
UserRealmManager().transaction(isSync: false, writeHandler: { (realm) in
UserRealmManager().transaction(writeQueue: DispatchQueue(label: "background"), isSync: false, writeHandler: { (realm) in
- You can add completion closure.
UserRealmManager().transaction(isSync: false, writeHandler: { (realm) in
}) { (realm, error) in
- Create a
that manages one realm file.
final class UserRealmManager: RealmManageable {
var isUseInMemory: Bool {
return false
var schemaVersion: UInt64 {
return 1
var fileName: String {
return "user"
var objectTypes: [Object.Type]? {
return [User.self]
- Create a
that is responsible for the CRUD function to be accessed by the Controller.
struct UserRealmProxy<RealmManager: UserRealmManager>: RealmProxiable {
var users: RealmQuery<User> {
return query(sortProperty: "date", ordering: .ascending)
func append(_ user: User) {
rm.transaction(writeHandler: { (realm) in
realm.add(user, update: true)
func delete(_ user: User) {
rm.transaction(writeHandler: { (realm) in
func updateName(id: String, name: String, age: Int) {
guard let user = userFromId(id) else {return}
rm.transaction(writeHandler: { (realm) in = name
user.age = age
realm.add(user, update: true)
func userFromId(_ id: String) -> User? {
return query(filter: "id == '\(id)'").results.first
var user = User() = UUID().uuidString = "Kevin"
UserRealmProxy().updateName(id:, name: "Kris")
- If you want to register the notification of the status of the Realm object in the controller, you can register the notification in RealmQuery.
let users: RealmQuery<User> = UserRealmProxy().users
.addInsertNotificationBlock(self) { (self, insertions) in
.addModificateNotificationBlock(self) { (self, modifications) in
self.tableView.reloadRows(at: modifications, with: .fade)
.addDeleteNotificationBlock(self) { (self, deletions) in
self.tableView.deleteRows(at: deletions, with: .fade)
Also, since RealmQuery is doing weak handling to prevent the retain cycle, you can use closures without worrying about the retain cycle if you pass only self.
public func addDeleteNotificationBlock<Object: AnyObject>(_ object: Object, block: @escaping (Object, [IndexPath]) -> Void) -> Self {
deleteNotificationBlock = { [weak object] (deletions) in
guard let weakObject = object else {return}
block(weakObject, deletions)
return self
Property | Type | Default | Description |
isUseInMemory |
Bool |
required |
Use InMemory Realm |
fileName |
Bool |
required |
Realm File Name |
appGroupIdentifier |
String? |
nil |
Value for Realm file directory for App Extension |
- run carthage update
$ carthage update --platform iOS
- open RealmWrapper.xcodeproj
$ open RealmWrapper.xcodeproj
- run RealmWrapperExample
- CocoaPods (iOS 8+)
platform :ios, '8.0'
target '<Your Target Name>' do
pod 'RealmWrapper'
- Carthage (iOS 8+)
github "k-lpmg/RealmWrapper"
These works are available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.