CyberBlogX is a futuristic blogging platform developed as an individual project to improve web development skills. Primarily designed for enthusiasts who appreciate a cyberpunk vibe.
CyberBlogX breaks free from ordinary and usual designs. The cyberpunk theme adds flair, transforming the platform into not just a blogging space but also making your blogging experience a futuristic adventure.
- Frontend: React JS + Bootstrap 5
- Backend: Express
- Database: MongoDB
- ✨ User Authentication with JWT Tokens
- 🚀 Create, Edit, Delete, Like, Dislike, and Comment on Posts
- 🔍 Filter Posts by Type (Blog, Research, Survey)
- 🔗 Search Posts by Title with Filtering Functionality
- 📜 Pagination of Posts and Infinite Scroll for Comments
Be part of the neon revolution! Explore, contribute, and enjoy the the Neo Militarism style of CyberBlogX!