
Unit testing with Jasmine.js

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Jasmine Test

What this project for?

  • Writing effective tests analyzing according to multiple aspects of an application including the HTML, CSS and JavaScript and practice in test-driven behaviour.

What testes are implemented?

  1. Testing passing data to ajax. 1.1. Testing has the data the url defined. 1.2. Testing has the data the name defined.
  2. Testing CSS properties of dropdown menu. 2.1. Testing menu position and click menu emulation.
  3. Testing DOM elements to be loaded.
  4. Testing the feed to be loaded.

How to run?

1.Install all packages needed to run the test: 1.1.Node.js, Gulp, Jasmine-Phantom, Browser-Sync (optionally) 2.Open in your favorite browser index.html and wait until the page is loaded and all tests complited.# feedreader