FEND Memory Game Project

This game is created to improve memory.

Get started

To Develop

  • You can find the index.html file inside the folder src
  • You can find the style.css file inside the folder src/css
  • You can find the script.js file inside the folder src/js

Here is the list of some main functions for better understand my code: The start game function serves for first start and restarts including stopwatch, card shuffling and preview.

function restartGame(){}

The next function is the main one handles card clicking, representing, hidding, matching and mismatching. Also it ends game.

function findMatchingCards(){}

The function beneath shuffles and reassign icons to the cards.

Stopwatch func is built on setInverval to avoid counting time being freezed when browser doesnt respond.

Function stopWatch(){}

The last functions in main tree is used to appear and disappear cards and game finish window.

function showModalWindow(){}
function closeModalWindow(){}


Technology used

This interective page is built with:

Additional features

  • All icons are add dinamically. This means that you cant see them in chrome devtool (in css or html)
  • All results of attempts are record until the page does not reload;
  • Animation on start game (shows all cards);
  • Animation at the end (waterfall);
  • Flip, match and mismatch cards animation;
  • Stars rating;

User experience

  • When you uncover the pair of cards all other clicks are ignore;
  • The same behaviour when the animation plays;
  • When you win the game the timer stops automatically but does not clear until you not click "Play again" or Reload button. The same with moves counter and stars rating;
  • By default 10 attempts costs one star. To change this parameter you need to change maxMoves const;
  • Average* - in the result table it shows average time (in seconds) need you to find a matching pair;
  • Grid is responsive;

Game play

  • go to this link;
  • click any card to get started;

Game rules

You win the game when you have found the 8 pairs of matching cards.

First start

Click once on any card to get cards shuffled and see preview before the game start.

Flipping cards

To flip the card and reveal its symbol, you should click on it. You can only have 2 active cards at the same time.

Matching cards

If the pair of cards you have revealed matched, the cards stay face up and you can click on 2 other cards to reveal their symbols.

If the pair of cards you have revealed doesn't match, the cards flip once again to be face down and you can make another attempt.


Every time you reveal 2 cards, you make a move. Thoses moves are tracked and you can watch them at any time (next to the hash icon).

Stars / Lifes

You start with 3 stars (lives, represented by the heart's icon). If you make a perfect game, you keep those 3 stars, but if you do more than 2 moves but fail, you lose one star.


When you start the game the timer starts and you can watch the time you spend to finish the game. The timer ends when you have found the 8 pairs of matching cards.


You can reset the game at any time pressing the button RESTART. It will restart the full game (stars, moves, timer and re-organized the grid of cards).

Winning screen

Once you have found the 8 pairs of matching cards, the winning screen appears with a summary of your game (moves, stars, time), you can play again by pressing PLAY AGAIN.


Original game is made by Nikonov Oleksii for Google-Udacity course.

For details, check out CONTRIBUTING.md.