
Primary LanguageTypeScript

Getting Started with Create React App

Prepare your environment:

Install globally:

  • NodeJS
  • yarn
  • prettier
  • eslint

Create the .env and add next variables: REACT_APP_COLLECTE_AIDE_LINK=https://google.com REACT_APP_CONTACT_US_LINK=https://google.com

Run the project

Use npm install or yarn to install the app dependencies.

Available Scripts

In the project directory, you can run:

  • yarn start - starts at http://localhost:3000

  • yarn trans - passes all components and creates translation. Once the main translation file is done, you need to copy-paste it to another langs folders and manually translate it. Finally add it to commit.

  • yarn trans-non-stop - Do all the same as yarn trans keeping the script on.

  • yarn lint - DONT use it: expected to check and fix linting errors before commit, but Eslint config should be fixed in order to make it work.

  • yarn build - creates a built for deployment

  • yarn deploy - deploys it to GitHub pages. Do not forget to fix the homepage field in package.json

Remote repo


Add env.variables in GitHub going in Settings->Environments->Configure github-pages->Environment variables

Edit existing data in project

Update fixtures.ts and upload imgs into src/assets.

Learn More

To learn React, check out the React documentation.