A game intended to be hacked. This game was originally developed by LiveOverflow as part of the CSCG (Cyber Security Challenge Germany) 2020.
An experimental server for the "Maze" game, developy by pluxtore
- Basic functionality of the game such as moving around and showing emojis
- Multiplayer support for the features above
- Unlocking of emojis and places
- Fur colors
- Teleporting to places
- "Anti Cheat" for passing through walls
- "Anti Cheat" for speed hax
- Dying due to lava
- Race support
- Flags
- White Rabbit Bot
- Highscore board
- Proper Anti-DDos
cd maze_masterserver
cd maze_gameserver
Depending on your OS, read the corresponding file in the maze_client/ directory. Once you have followed the instructions, simply launch the client.