Welcome to Simple Rails API 👋

A Ruby on Rails implementation regarding an authenticated POST request


👤 Nikos Chatzinikolaou

Tools and Dependencies

  • Ruby v3.0.3
  • Rails v7.0.0
  • SQLite v3.31.1
  • Atom text editor
  • Postman for testing

The Knock Gem was used for authentication purposes

Running the Program

To run the program you should follow the steps below:

  • Clone the project on your local environment (you should have installed the tools mentioned above)
  • Run 'rake create_user["email","password"]' providing your desired email and password. You will be provided with a Json Web Token
  • This token can then be used on the Header of the POST Request, with key "Authorization", to send a delivery payload to localhost:3000/deliveries

Json payload example:

{ "title": "Delivery Name", "price": "12.00", "pickup_location": "Address, Athens, Greece", "delivery_location": "Address, Moss, Norway", "size": 1, "currency": "EUR", "country_code": "GR" }

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