
An Access Control System for Systemcalls, using the C programming language.

Primary LanguageC

Access Control System for system calls

Table of Contents


This access control system for system calls was developed using the C programming language.
It restricts an executable (tracee) from invoking a large number of system calls within a short period of time.
It receives as input a text file with instructions, as well as an executable to monitor.
The instructions file should contain the names of the restricted system calls along with the number of times
they can be called within one second.
Access control is enabled only if a sequence of system calls is found anywhere in the executable (tracee).


In order to create this system we used:

  • fork, in order to execute and monitor the executable given as an input
  • ptrace , for the observation and control of the executable given as an input.
    See more about ptrace here

In order to use the system you should give as input:

  • instruction file, in order to give instructions to the system about
    which sequence of system calls it should search for and which system calls should be restricted
  • the executable you want to monitor

Instructions File format

The instructions file, given as an input to the system, should contain the names of system calls
and the number of times they can be called within one second. For example, if the input file
contains the line “gettid 5” then the tracee is not allowed to call the gettid system call more than
5 times per second. The first line of the instructions file should be a sequence of system calls.
This sequence will be used as a trigger in order to enable the access control system. The system
will constantly monitor system calls but the access control component will be enabled only if this
sequence is found anywhere in the tracee. An example of an instructions file can be found in the
next section. The system does not use a parser for the instructions file. We assume that the input file
is always correct and with valid information.

Instructions File example


Uploaded Files

  • Directory files contains some instruction files.
  • acs.c and acs.h contain the functionality for the access control system and
    input_exec.c the code for the executable which will be monitored by the access control system.

Execution Instructions

  • Run "make all" to compile the access control system and the test program.
    There will be generated the acs_exec (access control system) and the input_exec (test program)
    which will be given as an input to the access control system.
  • Run "./acs_exec input_exec file" to execute the program.