
Examples that use the libCoAP library

Primary LanguageC


Examples that use the libcoap library
Author Nikos Fotiou
Licence You are free to use this code in any way you want. No credit is required.
More Information https://respected-professor.blogspot.gr/2016/07/libcoap-examples.html

libcoap installation



Sends a confirmable request to a server. The server responds with a "Hello World" message. The response is piggybacked to the ACK (RFC 7252, Section 5.2.1).

Compiling and running

  • make all
  • ./server
  • ./client


Sends a POST request to a server. The server prints the posted data.

Compiling and running

  • make all
  • ./server
  • ./client


Sends a confirmable request to a server. The server responds with an ACK and afer 2 seconds it sends a "Hello World" message. (RFC 7252, Section 5.2.2).

Compiling and running

  • make all
  • ./server
  • ./client


An example of libcoap usage with the riot operating system (https://riot-os.org/). It creates a default resource that outputs "Hello World!"

Compiling and running

Follow the standard process for compiling and running a riot application. For more information visit https://respected-professor.blogspot.gr/2016/11/a-coap-server-for-riot-operating-system.html