The goal of this project is to analyze the AirBnB Dataset, created from Athens, Greece listing records, using visualizations and learning models. For our surprise, these findings provide a lot of interesting insights into the world of AirBnB hosting.
Our data set consits of the following columns:
- id
- zipcode
- transit
- Bedrooms
- Beds
- Review_scores_rating
- Number_of_reviews
- Neighbourhood
- Name
- Latitude
- Longitude
- Last_review
- Instant_bookable
- Host_since
- Host_response_rate
- Host_identity_verified
- Host_has_profile_pic
- First_review Description
- City
- cancellation_policy
- Bed_type
- Bathrooms
- Accommodates
- Amenities
- Room_type
- Property_type
- price
- Availability_365
- Minimum_nights
Install Jupyter using Anaconda and conda from the link below: -
pip install -r requirements.txt
This project is licensed under the MIT © License.