This is my repository including my projects in web development, software, programming and scripting projects as a contribution to open source software. If you want to know more, visit thespotlight where I write about technology. I've also been Lead Developer, Project Manager and Coordinator for: tTranslate, a team effort developing a translation software in Python.
1. Software Development
Python (Console and Graphical apps using Tkinter)
Console: PyRoller: Dice Roller App | Exercises for teaching programming
Graphical: genPass: Password generator app | FPA | FVM
- C
- C++
- C#
- Ruby
2. Front End Web Design and Development
- HTML, CSS, JavaScript
- Bootstrap 3/4
- JQuery, JQuery UI, React JS, VueJS
Responsive Form | Email Template | FPA Tax App | FVM Future Value of Money Calculator | React Social Interface App | Web Office Companion | Parrot JQuery Animation
3. Full Stack Web Development
- Languages: Python, Front End Technologies
- Databases: SQL, SQLite, Django Models
- Frameworks:
- Flask
- Django
isit: A web applications that checks if the day is Sunday Server: I wrote a custom Web Server in Python