################################################################### ## Geeqie x.x ## ## ## ## Copyright (C) 2008 - 2016 The Geeqie Team ## ## Copyright (C) 1999 - 2006 John Ellis. ## ## ## ## Use at your own risk! ## ## ## ## This software released under the GNU General Public License. ## ## Please read the COPYING file for more information. ## ################################################################### This is Geeqie, a successor of GQview. Geeqie has been forked from GQview project, because it was not possible to contact GQview author and the only maintainer. Geeqie projects goal is to move the development forward and also integrate the existing patches. Geeqie is currently considered stable. Please report any crash or odd behavior to the [mailing list](https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/geeqie-devel) and/or to [Github](https://github.com/BestImageViewer/geeqie/issues) For more info see: http://www.geeqie.org/ Please send any question or suggestions to geeqie-devel@lists.sourceforge.net or open an issue on Github (https://github.com/BestImageViewer/geeqie/issues) # README contents: * Requirements * Notes and changes for this release * Installation * Description / Features * Documentation (keyboard shortcuts) * Editor command macros * Additional comments * Translation status * Credits ## Requirements Required libraries: GTK+ 3.00 www.gtk.org enabled by default disable with configure option: --disable-gtk3 or GTK+ 2.20 disabled by default when GTK+3 libraries are found. enable with configure option: --disable-gtk3 optional items map display and GPU acceleration are not available with GTK2 Note: GTK+3 is still somehow experimental. It is needed for some features but we have several complains about the GTK+3 usability. So if you need a stable version, you are advised to compile it with GTK+2. If you want to play with the cool new features, use GTK+3. Optional libraries: lcms2 2.0 or lcms 1.14 www.littlecms.com for color management support enabled by default disable with configure option: --disable-lcms exiv2 0.11 www.exiv2.org for enhanced exif support enabled by default disable with configure option: --disable-exiv2 lirc www.lirc.org for remote control support enabled by default disable with configure option: --disable-lirc libchamplain-gtk 0.12 libchamplain 0.12 libclutter 1.0 wiki.gnome.org/Projects/libchamplain for map display disabled by default enable with configure option: --enable-map enabling will also enable GPU acceleration libclutter 1.0 www.clutter-project.org for GPU acceleration (a check-box on Preferences/Image must also be ticked) disabled by default enable with configure option: --enable-gpu-accel explicitly disabling will also disable the map feature lua 5.1 www.lua.org support for lua scripting enabled by default disable with configure option: --disable-lua ## Notes and changes for this release [section:release_notes] See NEWS file. Code hackers: If you plan on making any major changes to the code that will be offered for inclusion to the main source, please contact us first - so that we can avoid duplication of effort. The Geeqie Team Known bugs: See the Geeqie Bug Tracker at TODO file. ## Installation Compilation: ./autogen.sh ; make General install: make install Removal: make uninstall ## Description / Features Geeqie is a graphics file viewer. Basic features: - Single click image viewing / navigation. - Zoom functions. - Thumbnails, with optional caching and .xvpics support. - Multiple file selection for move, copy, delete, rename, drag and drop. - Drag and drop. - Slideshow. - Full screen. - Ability to open images in external editors (configurable). - Collections. - Comparison of images to find duplicates by name, size, date, dimensions, or image content similarity. - Rotation invariant detection - EXIF support. - support for stereoscopic images - input: side-by-side (JPS) and MPO format - output: single image, anaglyph, SBS, mirror, SBS half size (3DTV) ## Documentation (brief) [section:documentation] This sections lists default hotkeys. Most of the hotkeys can be redefined in the Preferences dialog. Keyboard commands: [PageDown], [Keypad PageDown] next image [PageUp], [Keypad PageUp] previous image [Home], [Keypad Home] first image in list [End], [Keypad End] last image in list [Tab] tab completion in path entry window [Escape] cancel completion in path entry window Keyboard commands valid when image has focus (image has black rectangle) arrow keys, [Keypad arrows] pan image [Shift] - arrow keys pan image faster [Space] next image [Backspace] , B previous image File menu related: [Ctrl] - N new window C new empty collection O open collection D open a Find Duplicates window [Shift]- P open Print dialog [Ctrl] - F new folder [Ctrl] - C copy file [Ctrl] - M move file [Ctrl] - R rename file [Ctrl] - D, [Delete] delete file [Ctrl] - W close window [Ctrl] - Q exit Geeqie Edit menu related: 1 .. 6 toggle mark [Ctrl] - 1..6 select mark [Ctrl] - A select all files [Ctrl] - [Shift] - A unselect all files [Ctrl] - P display image properties window [Ctrl] - O configure Options ] rotate image clockwise [ rotate image counterclockwise [Shift] - R rotate image 180 degrees [Shift] - M mirror image (horizontal) [Shift] - F flip image (vertical) [Shift] - G grayscale image View menu related: +, =, [Keypad +] zoom in -, [Keypad -] zoom out Z, [Keypad /] zoom to original size X, [Keypad *] zoom to fit within window W zoom to fit width of window H zoom to fit height of window T toggle thumbnails in list view [Ctrl] - L display files as list view [Ctrl] - I display files as icon view [Ctrl] - T toggle tree view of directories R refresh list L (Un)float file selection area [ctrl] - H (Un)hide file selection area [Ctrl] - K toggle sidebar with EXIF or keywords [Ctrl] - E show EXIF window [Ctrl] - S toggle sort manager sidebar F, V toggle full screen S toggle slide show P (Un)pause slideshow [Ctrl] - V display current image in new window Collection windows: arrows, [Keypad arrows] move selection [Shift] + arrows select multiple images [Ctrl] + arrows move without changing selection [Space] select only image with focus [Ctrl] + [Space] toggle selection of image with focus [Home], [Keypad Home] move focus to top of images [End], [Keypad End] move focus to end of images (shift and ctrl work with Home, End, PageUp/Down as with arrows) [Ctrl] - A select all images [Ctrl] - [Shift] - A unselect all images [Delete], [Keypad Delete] remove selected images from collection (does not delete file) [Ctrl] - L add images from main window file list [Ctrl] - T toggle display of icon filename text N sort collection by name D sort collection by date B sort collection by size (bytes) P sort collection by location (path) I (*) sort collection by name numerically (file1 file10 file2 -> file1 file2 file10) [Enter], [Keypad Enter] view image with focus in main window V view image with focus in new window S save collection [Ctrl] - S save collection as... A append to collection... [Shift] - P print selected images... [Ctrl] - C copy selected files... [Ctrl] - M move selected files... [Ctrl] - R rename selected files... [Ctrl] - D delete selected files [Ctrl] - P display image properties window [Ctrl] - W close window Find Duplicates window: [Ctrl] - A select all images [Ctrl] - [Shift] - A unselect all images 1 select group 1 duplicates 2 select group 2 duplicates [Ctrl] - L add images from main window file list C add selected images to new collection [Delete], [Keypad Delete] remove selected images from list [Ctrl] - [Delete] clear window [Enter], [Keypad Enter] view image with focus in main window V view image with focus in new window [Ctrl] - 1 .. 0 open selected image(s) in editor [Ctrl] - C copy selected files... [Ctrl] - M move selected files... [Ctrl] - R rename selected files... [Ctrl] - D delete selected files [Ctrl] - P display image properties window [Ctrl] - W close window Pan View: [Ctrl] - F, / show search bar [Ctrl] - G repeat previous search (*) This is a compile time option enabled when strverscmp is found. Mouse image control: Button 1 view next image Button 2 view previous image Button 3 context menu Button 1 drag scroll/pan image Button 2 drag initiate drag and drop Wheel up/down change to previous/next image Wheel up/down + [Shift] scroll image up/down Wheel up/down + [Control] zoom image in/out ## Editor command macros [section:editors] Editors are configured via standard desktop files. ## Overlay Info [section:overlay] Overlay info format string syntax is: %tag[:max_length][:extra]% %name% Filename of the picture. %collection% Name of the collection %number% Current number of image in the list %total% Total number of images %date% File date %size% File size %width% Image width %height% Image height %res% Image resolution %keywords% Image keywords from metadata %comment% Image comment from metadata %lua/file.lua/% Lua functionality To access exif data use the exif name: %Exif.Photo.DateTimeOriginal% Date of the original shot Pre-formatted exif data is also available: formatted.Camera Camera and sofware name formatted.DateTime Image Date formatted.ShutterSpeed Shutter speed in seconds (ie. 1/60s) formatted.Aperture Aperture (ie. f5.6) formatted.ExposureBias Exposure bias (ie. +0.3) formatted.ISOSpeedRating ISO sensitivity (ie. 100) formatted.FocalLength Focal length formatted.FocalLength35mmFilm Focal length 35mm formatted.SubjectDistance Subject distance formatted.Flash Flash formatted.Resolution Resolution formatted.ColorProfile Color profile formatted.GPSPosition GPS position formatted.GPSAltitude GPS altitude You can limit the length of displayed data using :number notation: %formatted.Camera:20% will truncate the displayed data to 20 characters and will add 3 dots at the end to denote the truncation. If two or more variables are connected with the |-sign, it prints available variables with a separator: %formatted.ShutterSpeed%|%formatted.ISOSpeedRating%|%formatted.FocalLength% could show: "1/20s - 400 - 80 mm" or "1/200 - 80 mm" if there's no ISO information in the Exif data. If a line is empty, it is removed. This allows one to add lines that totally disappear when no data is available. Extra string uses special character '*' to mark the position of the data. If no '*' is present, then extra string is just appended to data. Any "\n" is replaced by a newline on display. Pango mark up is accepted in left and right parts. If data is empty, nothing will be displayed. Examples: "%name:<i>*</i>\n%" -> name is displayed in italics ended with a newline "%size:\n%" -> size is displayed with a newline at end "%formatted.ISOSpeedRating:ISO *%" -> ie. "ISO 100" "%collection: Collection <b>*</b>\n%" -> display collection name in bold prefixed by "Collection " and a newline is appended ## Credits [section:credits] Translations: Grzegorz Kowal <g_kowal@poczta.onet.pl> Zbigniew Chyla <cyba@gnome.pl> Emil Nowak <emil5@go2.pl> Wit Wilinski <wit.wilinski@gmail.com> Tomasz Golinski <tomaszg@math.uwb.edu.pl> for Polish translation Christopher R. Gabriel <cgabriel@pluto.linux.it> Di Maggio Salvatore <Salvatore.Dimaggio@bologna.marelli.it> Costantino <inverness1ATvirgilio.it> for Italian translation Sandokan <cortex@nextra.sk> Ivan Priesol <priesol@iris-sk.sk> Mgr. Peter Tuharsky <tuharsky@misbb.sk> for Slovak translation Rodrigo Sancho Senosiain <ruy_ikari@bigfoot.com> Ariel Fermani <the_end@bbs.frc.utn.edu.ar> for Spanish translation Laurent Monin <i18n@norz.org> Eric Lassauge <lassauge@users.sf.net> Jean-Pierre Pedron <jppedron@club-internet.fr> Pascal Bleser <pascal.bleser@atosorigin.com> Nicolas Boos <nicolas.boos@wanadoo.fr> Nicolas Bonifas <nicolas_bonifas@users.sf.net> for French translation Fâtih Demir <kabalak@gmx.net> for Turkish translation Kam Tik <kamtik@hongkong.com> Abel Cheung <deaddog@deaddog.ws> S.J. Luo <crystal@mickey.ee.nctu.edu.tw> Levin <zjlevin@hotmail.com> for Traditional Chinese (Big5) translation Junichi Uekawa <dancer@debian.org> Oleg Andrjushenko <oandr@itec.cn.ua> Michael Bravo <mbravo@tag-ltd.spb.ru> Sergey Pinaev <dfo@antex.ru> for Russian translation Guilherme M. Schroeder <slump@ieg.com.br> Vitor Fernandes <vitor_fernandes@SoftHome.net> Herval Ribeiro de Azevêdo <heraze@gmail.com> for Brazilian Portuguese translation Shingo Akagaki <akagaki@ece.numazu-ct.ac.jp> Yuuki Ninomiya <gm@debian.or.jp> Sato Satoru <ss@gnome.gr.jp> Takeshi AIHANA <aihana@gnome.gr.jp> for Japanese translation Matthias Warkus <mawarkus@t-online.de> Thomas Klausner <wiz@danbala.ifoer.tuwien.ac.at> Danny Milosavljevic <danny_milo@yahoo.com> Ronny Steiner <Post@SIRSteiner.de> Klaus Ethgen <Klaus@Ethgen.de> for German translation Matej Erman <matej.erman@guest.arnes.si> for Slovene translation MÃtyÃs Tibor <templar@tempi.scene.hu> Koblinger Egmont <egmont@uhulinux.hu> Sári Gábor <saga@externet.hu> for Hungarian translation Wu Yulun <migr@operamail.com> Charles Wang <charlesw1234cn@yahoo.com.cn> for simplified Chinese translation H.J.Visser <H.J.Visser@harrie.mine.nu> Tino Meinen <a.t.meinen@chello.nl> for Dutch translation Lauri Nurmi <lanurmi@iki.fi> for Finnish translation Ilmar Kerm <ikerm@hot.ee> for Estonian translation Volodymyr M. Lisivka <lvm@mystery.lviv.net> for Ukrainian translation Birger Langkjer <birger.langkjer@image.dk> for Danish translation Torgeir Ness Sundli <torgeir@mp3bil.no> for Norwegian translation Jan Raska <jan.raska@tiscali.cz> Michal Bukovjan <bukm@centrum.cz> for Czech translation Phanumas Thanyaboon <maskung@hotmail.com> for Thai translation Harald Ersch <hersch@romatsa.ro> for Romanian translation pclouds <pclouds@vnlinux.org> for Vietnamese translation Tedi Heriyanto <tedi_h@gmx.net> for Indonesian translation Vladimir Petrov <vladux@mail.bg> for Bulgarian translation Hans Öfverbeck <hans.ofverbeck@home.se> for Swedish translation Youssef Assad <youssef@devcabal.org> for Arabic translation catux.org <mecatxis@ya.com> for Catalan translation Hyun-Jin Moon <moonhyunjin@gmail.com for Korean translation Pavel Piatruk <berserker@neolocation.com> for Belarusian translation Piarres Beobide <pi@beobide.net> for Basque translation Antonio C. Codazzi <f_sophia@libero.it> for Esperanto translation Nikos Papadopoulos for Greek translation Fixes, additions, and patches: Eric Swalens Quy Tonthat for initial Exif support. Daniel M. German <dmgerman at uvic.ca> for Canon raw image support. Lars Ellenberg for Fujifilm raw image support. Diederen Damien <D.Diederen@student.ulg.ac.be> for .xvpics thumbnail reading support. Nick Rusnov <nick@grawk.net> Ryan Murray <rmurray@debian.org> for man page. Martin Pool <mbp@samba.org> for sort by number, misc. improvements. Jörg Mensmann <joerg.mensmann@gmx.de> for Xinerama support patch. Vadim Shliakhov for miscellaneous fixes. Uwe Ohse for Exif enhancements, histogram and other patches Timo Horstschäfer for customizable fullscreen overlay Michael Mokeev for print related enhancements Carles Pina i Estany for copy path to clipboard patch Kjell Morgenstern for random slide show speedup patch And... Thanks to the users for finding Geeqie useful.