
A CFW PlayStation Portable module that allows you to change the critical battery percentage

Primary LanguageC

Wat r this?

This repo contains source code for a PSP module that patches what percentage of battery should the console shut down with.

Why? What's your motivation

I got one of those bad clone batteries that not only have a bad cell inside them but also measure the remaining battery life inaccurately. One way I was able to address this is by creating stealing this module that changes when the PSP would shut down or consider the battery needing a charge.

How does it work?

Well basically it patches a system function using some CFW dark magic.

  • main.c shows how the functions got patched
  • rethook.h contains the function prototypes of the functions being patched; and
  • rethook.S contain the patched function machine code (MIPS assembly)

For our uses only fx_rethookIsLowBattery is used (although this isn't the actual functions name). In it, we have a single instruction as follows:

addiu $v0, $zero, 50 where 50 is the percentage value that we want.

How do I use it?

  1. Modify the rethook.S function with the value that you want.
  2. Install the psp toolchain
  3. Install this library using said toolchain
    1. Run these two before compiling tho:
    2. find . -type f -not -path . -exec sed -i 's/-mno-crt0 //g' {} +
    3. find . -type f -not -path . -exec sed -i 's/python/python2/g' {} +
    4. These should fix compilation issues that I've encountered
  4. To install the above library you need two more steps:
    1. sudo cp -rf include/* /usr/psp/include/
    2. sudo cp -rf libs/* /usr/psp/libs/
  5. Run make in this repo
  6. Copy the resulting .prx file onto your MemoryStick(TM)
  7. Update your seplugins/vsh.txt accordingly

Or if you can't be bothered to set up YET ANOTHER TOOLCHAIN, you can just always:

  1. Download the release from this repo
  2. Get the PRX file for your desired percentage
  3. Put it somewhere on your MemoryStick (TM)(C)(Patented)(Sony)
  4. Update vsh.txt accordingly


I used the library uofwinst which is GPL-3 and automatically makes this GPL-3 as well. As well as the fact that I've stolen 99% of the code from this