
Started out as a submission for an internship as Ford and has evolved into my React playground

Primary LanguageJavaScript

In Car App Store: Developer Portal


This React.JS app is used to simulate the developer portal of an in-car app store, specifically for Ford Motors. The app allows you to create an account, upload an app, manage the app store listing and modify account settings. Once all the settings for your app are set correctly, you can publish it and view it in the app store.

Installation Instructions

  1. download the repository git clone https://github.com/nikrom17/InCar-AppStore-DeveloperPortal.git
  2. navigate to repository cd InCar-AppStore-DeveloperPortal
  3. Install node modules folder npm install
  4. Connect to Firebase: create an account and copy your account settings firebase

Local Deployment

  1. To start the web server, implement the following command: npm start
  2. In a web browser navigate to: https://localhost:3000
  3. Create a new account and start uploading apps!

Screen Shots

Home Page

app list

App Details

app details