
Cron job to update your SmartDNSProxy IP address if you only have dynamic IP, like me!

Primary LanguageShell


Cron job to update your SmartDNSProxy IP address if you only have dynamic IP, like me!


  1. edit cron.sh with your smartdnsproxy API details
  2. edit cron.sh as appropriate depending on which location you are storing the script in. if not editing, save copy in /tmp/smartdns
  3. On initial run current.txt and new.txt need to be created e.g. echo your.ip.address.here > current.txt (and the same for new.txt)
  4. add script to crontab (amend from sh to bash depending on your shell used, I have this running on my OpenWRT router so its sh)

*/5 * * * * sh /tmp/smartdns/cron.sh

  1. start/restart your cron service depending if running already or not

/etc/init.d/cron start
/etc/init/d/cron restart

  1. Every 5 mins the script will run and update your active IP to smartdnsproxy if its changed.