Simple and easy to use implementation of tasks queue, based on python and redis database.
An example of how I using it. I have the following cronjob in mine's crontab:
*/20 * * * * redis_queue/tools/ apps.mystats.tasks update_stats -q maint
It means that usual python function update_stats() from module mystats will be placed to 'maint' queue every 20 minutes.
If we have the 'redis_queue/tools/ -q maint' process running, the 'update_stats()' function will be pop`ed from the queue and executed.
I'm using a supervisor application to handle mine's workers bunch.
Indeed, update_stats() function can place some more tasks to any queue during it's work, it is as easy as:
from redis_queue import Queue
def update_feed(feed_id):
# do something useful
return True
def update_stats():
q = Queue()
for feed_id in range(1000):
q.push(update_feed, feed_id=feed_id, queue_name='hi')
This time, update_feed(feed_id) function has been placed to the 'hi' queue 1000 times.