Blockchain your RDS table records with Bitcoin-style Proof of Work to ensure data is complete and has not been tampered with.
This does not solve the problem of a bad transaction injection, but does provide more assurance that history has not been tampered with. How much assurance? That depends on the amount of Proof of Work you do for each block, which is entirely up to you. More work of course would cost more money. How much you should spend depends on what you are protecting. A billion dollars? Then spend a few hundred thousand dollars for hashing servers. If you are protecting $100K USD then one average server doing block mining is probably just fine.
Source table is the Mysql data table whose history you want to make immutable.
We keep the blockchain as a MySQL database. It needs two tables: hashes and blocks as defined in blockchain.sql which will help you create them.
You can keep these two blockchain tables in the same database as your source data, or a separate database on the same server, or a separate database on a separate server or as part of a bigger database on a separate server. There are little to no security considerations for these two tables, other than you don't want to lose them. There is no point in tampering with these tables since the hashes have to match the source data.
In principle, it would be safe to post a dump of the blockchain tables on the Internet and they would not reveal anything about your source data unless you source table structure is trivial and known.
Hasher simply hashes records from the source table and inserts them into the blockchain table transactions. You need to tell the hasher.php which records are "complete", or ok to hash, meaning they will no longer change. Depending on how your source data and process is structured, records may not be complete the moment they are inserted into the database, but get updated later. For example, a record may be complete only after it has been "approved". You need to define a SQL statement for the hasher.php so it knows to hash only those records which are "complete".
This script does Proof of Work and creates blocks the way Bitcoin mining works. Once it finds the hash of appropriate difficulty it will create a block record, and mark all the hashes in the hashes table which belong to the block.
Details of Bitcoin blockchain hashing:
Checks integrity of database. Returns 0 (check failed) or 1 (check passed). You can run this at audit time or even regularly. There is a bit of security risk that the source code of this script is manipulated to return 1 when a check is failing. A hacker could replace this script with:
print "1\n";
So if you are running this on a server regularly as a way to ensure that your database is not compromised, and if the hacker who compromised your database is able to modify this script as well, you may not catch the compromise right away.
Runs one of the above scripts in a loop over one minute, then dies. Should be started as a cron job every minute.