
Talks at the 3rd H.E.L.A.S & DAAD Summer School, Thessaloniki, Oct. 8-12, 2018

Talks and Teaching Material

(some talks include bibliography and exercises in the main presentation file) (use CTRL-click to open video links in a new tab)

Monday, October 8th, 2018

K. KOKKOTAS: Neutron Stars and Gravitational Waves: An Overview View lecture video

N. STERGIOULAS: Neutron Star Structure View lecture video

G. LALAZISIS: Nuclear Density Functional Theory: Application to Nuclear Astrophysics View lecture video

Th. GAITANOS: Relativistic NS EOS View lecture video

S. VOELKEL: Probing the Nature of Compact Objects View lecture video

P. IOSIF: Open source codes (RNS) View lecture video

Tuesday, October 9th, 2018

Th. APOSTOLATOS : Gravitational Waves Theory I + Additional figures View lecture video

P. AMARO-SEOANE:Gravitational Waves Theory II View lecture video

M. GABLER: Supernovae + Bibliography and exercises View lecture video

Ch. MOUSTAKIDIS:Nuclear EOS for NS and SN + Bibliography and exercises View lecture video

S. NAMPALLIWAR:eXtreme gravity with X rays View lecture video

Th. SOULTANIS:Open source codes (EINSTEIN TOOLKIT) + Notebooks and ET files View lecture video

Wednesday, October 10th, 2018

N. STERGIOULAS:Neutron Star Oscillations View lecture video

Th. APOSTOLATOS: GWs from compact object inspiral View lecture video

K. CHATZIIOANNOU:Detection of GWs from BNS merger events View lecture video

Thursday, October 11th, 2018

P. AMARO-SEOANE: LISA View lecture video

A. BAUSWEIN: Binary Neutron Star mergers View lecture video

K. CHATZIIOANNOU: Gravitational Wave Data Analysis View lecture video

K. CHATZIIOANNOU: Open source codes (GWpy) View lecture video

A. COATES: Alternative theories of gravity, equivalence principle and neutron stars View lecture video

G. LIOUTAS: The gravitational-wave damping timescale of f-modes in neutron stars View lecture video

Friday, October 12th, 2018

M. GABLER: Magnetars View lecture video

K. KOKKOTAS: Neutron Stars in Alternative Theories of Gravity View lecture video

A. BAUSWEIN: EOS constraints from BNS mergers View lecture video