
Irmin is a distributed database that follows the same design principles as Git

Primary LanguageOCaml


Irmin is a distributed database with built-in snapshot, branch and revert mechanisms. It is designed to use a large variety of backends, although it is optimized for append-only store.

Irmin is written in pure OCaml. It can thus be compiled to Javascript -- and run in the browsers; or into a Mirage unikernel -- and run directly on top of Xen.

Build Status


Irmin is packaged with opam:

opam install irmin


Irmin comes with a command-line tool called irmin. See irmin --help for further reading. Use either irmin <command> --help or irmin help <command> for more information on a specific command.

To get the full capabilites of Irmin, use the API:

$ ledit ocaml
# #require "irmin.backend";;
# module G = IrminGit.Make(IrminGit.Memory);;
# module S = G.Make(IrminKey.SHA1)(IrminContents.String)(IrminTag.String);;
# let () =
    S.create () >>= fun t ->
    S.update t ["foo"; "bar"] "hi!"


A tutorial is available on the wiki.


To report any issues please use the bugtracker on Github.

Install from source

If you need to install Irmin from source, first you need to have libssl on your system. For instance, on Debian/Ubuntu: apt-get install libssl-dev.

Then, install the OCaml dependencies using OPAM:

opam install ezjsonm ocamlgraph lwt sha \
             re dolog mstruct core_kernel \
             uri cohttp ssl core_kernel \
             cmdliner alcotest git crunch

You can then download the source code of Irmin, uncompress it, and run the usual steps:

make PREFIX=$(opam config var prefix)
make install

Due to a bug in [oasis], the uninstall target from source is quite unreliable. Instead, use:

ocamlfind remove irmin
rm $(which irmin)