
Implementation of several reinforcement learning algorithms to control a robot arm doing a pendulum swing up

Primary LanguagePython


This repository is a final "dump" of an university project (bachelor thesis-level), which aimed at implementing methods to control a robot arm perform a pendulum swing up. As it was a very deadline-driven project, the code commits might not be as clean as desired. The final PDF describing in the project and experimental results can be found here:

github pdf reader
download prompt

Structure of project and repo

The aim of the project was to try to make a robot arm (see picture) swing up and balance a pendulum.

image of robot set up

The repository contains several folders with a specific functionality.

  • communication implements the low-level data communication to send commands and receive observations from sensors from an arduino to a pc over USB.
  • micro contains the code running on an arduino, which is required for repaying movement commands to a servo motor and relaying sensor data for motor joint positions and pendulum positions.
  • mm stands for mathematical modeling. This folder contains code for simulating the pendulum environment.
  • ourgym implements an openAI gym interface for both the simulation and the "real-world" control of the robot. This makes it easier to test reinforcement learning algorithms on the robot.
  • rl implements several reinforcement learning algorithms, including "normal" tabular SARSA as well as DQN and actor-critic.
  • simulationshould be part of the ourgym folder.
  • vision has some code experimenting with using a camera to predict the pendulum position. Ultimately not used.

In the root folder there are some scripts to automate experimenting with all the algorithms. These were used in a google-cloud environment to run simulations.