
Google Authenticator and Authy compatible cli totp key tool

Primary LanguageGo


gogauth is a simple cli based tool to let you use 2FA codes (TOTP) for apps like Authy and Google Authenticator from the CLI.

There are only three commands: list, add, and rm. Each does what it says on the tin. Running the program with no arguments is equivalent to running list.

Why would you want this?

You probably don't. But on the off chance that you're like me, this is a handy way to get access to your TOTP codes without having to pull out a phone or having your TOTP codes locked into a proprietary app.


  • Download from the releases page, and if on *nix run chmod +x <bin-name>, then put the file on your path. /usr/local/bin is a good choice.
  • Enable 2FA on your favorite website, and get the secret. Choose an option like "I can't read QR codes" to get the text secret, which should be a string of letters (e.g. WIAT 3ZBH GTGV CWKF)
  • Type gogauth add <website-name> <secret> to create a db+password and add this code
  • When you need a code to login to a website, run gogauth and re-enter your password.
  • Optionally, add export GOGAUTH_PASSWORD=<your-pw> and/or export GOGAUTH_DB=<path-to-db-file> to your ~/.bashrc / ~/.zshrc files so that you don't have to retype your password every time


  • Simple and lightweight
  • "search" function (add one or more search phrases via the listcommand, e.g.: gogauth list github) in case you have many 2FA accounts.
  • DB is an encrypted single file that you can backup and manage yourself.
  • Codes are encrypted at rest at all times via minio/sio, but can be easily decrypted if you want to move to another 2FA solution
  • Password and db location can be customized via command line switches or env vars if you don't want to type them in.


  • go mod tidy
  • go build -o gogauth cmd/gogauth/main.go


google auth compatible cli tool

  gogauth [flags]
  gogauth [command]

Available Commands:
  add         <name> <totp> - Add a new totp key
  copy        Copy an auth code to the clipboard. Args: (name)
  help        Help about any command
  list        Show codes for all stored totp keys
  rm          Remove a totp key

  -h, --help              help for gogauth
  -d, --keydb string      path to totp db file (or use env var GOGAUTH_DB) (default "/home/nik/.gogauthdb")
  -p, --password string   encryption password (or use env var GOGAUTH_PASSWORD)

Use "gogauth [command] --help" for more information about a command.


  • Add a decrypt command to allow easy exporting of the database. If you need this functionality in the meantime, install minio/sio's ncrypt command, and use this command to decrypt the db: cat ~/.gogauthdb | base64 --decode | ncrypt -cipher C20P1305 -d
  • Read TOTP codes from QR code images (in order to paste a screenshot into gogauth via pbcopy/xsel)
  • Automatically copy generated codes to clipboard if only one code is outputted

Alternatives / prior art