A project to rapidly extract all email addresses from any files in a given path
This project is intended to be a brand new open source version of a basic codebase I've used for the better part of a decade to extract email addresses from data breaches before loading them into HIBP. Most breaches are in a .sql or .csv format either in a single file or multiple files within a folder and extraction follows a simple process:
- Extract all addresses via regex
- Convert them to lowercase
- Order them alphabetically
- Save them to an output file
- Create a report of how many unique addresses were in each file
The regex I've used is as follows: \b[a-zA-Z0-9\.\-_\+]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\.\-_]+\.[a-zA-Z]+\b
Email address validation via regex is hard, but it also doesn't need to be perfect for this use case. False positives are extremely rare and the impact is negligible, namely that a string that isn't a genuine address gets loaded into HIBP or a genuine address of an unusual format gets loaded. For the most part, this regex can be summarised as "stuff either side of an @ symbol with a TLD of alphas characters".
I've reached out and asked for support and will get things kicked off via one or two key people then seek broader input. I'm particularly interested in optimising the service across larger data sets and non text-based files, especially with the uptick of documents being dumped by ransomware crews. I'll start creating issues for the bits that need building.
I'll generate some test data in different formats and drop those into this repository shortly.
Syntax: AddressExtractor.exe -?
Syntax: AddressExtractor.exe -v
Syntax: AddressExtractor.exe <input [[... input]]> [-o output] [-r report]
Option | Description |
-? , -h , --help |
Prints the command line syntax and options |
-v , --version |
Prints the application version number |
input | One or more input filenames or directories |
-o , --output output |
Path and filename of the output file. Defaults to 'addresses_output.txt' |
-r , --report report |
Path and filename of the report file. Defaults to 'report.txt' |
--recursive |
Enable recursive mode for directories, which will search child directories |
-y , --yes |
Automatically confirm prompts to CONTINUE without asking |