Or a build date as a version number. Auto incremental version in a date format like: Version
. The script itself changes version attribute only.
Drop pre-build.ps1 next to .sln file then add at the
Visual Studio -> Project Settings -> Build Events -> Pre-build event command line
next line
powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -NoProfile -NonInteractive -File "$(SolutionDir)pre-build.ps1" -ProjectDir "$(ProjectDir)\"
Do not remove last slash \"
-PropertiesDir "Properties"
-AsmInfoFilename "AssemblyInfo.cs"
powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -NoProfile -NonInteractive -File "$(SolutionDir)pre-build.ps1" -ProjectDir "$(ProjectDir)\" -PropertiesDir "Properties" -AsmInfoFilename "AssemblyInfo.cs"