Scripts for analyzing VASP output and preparing VASP input, especially for NEB calculations.

Primary LanguageShell

Scripts for preparement & processing of VASP inputs/outputs

NEB...py are python3 (also working with python2) and ASE employing scripts for working with geometries for Nudget Elastic Band calculations in VASP. NEB....sh are shell scripts for easier operation of NEB calculations, especially on supercomputers.

Scripts has to be adjusted for different amount of NEB images; there are comments in the scripts for better understanding.

NEB_contcar2poscar.py takes calculated CONTCAR from previous CALCULATIONS, checks whether some atoms didn't cross cell borders and adjust their position according to the positition of initial image (00/POSCAR). There is possibility to delay view for 1 second as in NEB_view_poscar.py

NEB_make_linear.py makes a linear path between POSCAR-in and POSCAR-out for wanted number of images. !!! It does not check for cell border crossing - you have to prepare POSCAR-in and POSCAR-out by yourself !!!

NEB_prolonge_linear.py put images in between already calculated images to prolonge the NEB path, to be more precise. The new images are calculated as linear combination of neighbouring images.

NEB_view_poscar.py checking script to visualize currently prepared NEB path. There are 1 second delays between each visualization -- meaning that the visualized images should be ordered along the path. There is possibility to plot povray files for nice images plotting.

NEB_grep_energies_along_path.sh greps energies (without entropy) from OUTCARs into energy_tmp.txt. It automatically moves previous energy_tmp.txt -> energy_tmp-old.txt

NEB_plot_povray.sh schell script for povray plotting all images prepared by NEB_view_poscar.py .

NEB_prepare_another_opt.sh shell script for preparing files for another optimization (not enouth steps for opt./ended due to time limit). It saves CONTCARs and OUTCARs and uses NEB_contcar2poscar.py . Don't forget to change j after each run !

example of preparation of inputs for NEB:

before running NEB_make_linear.py : Input geometry is stored in POSCAR-pre-in from previous calculations:

from ase.visualize import *; from ase import *; from ase.io import *; neco = read('POSCAR-pre-in'); view(neco); # to import libraries and see the input #

import numpy as np ; move = np.zeros((neco.get_number_of_atoms(),3)); # create a field where translation of position of atoms is stored #

cell = neco.get_cell(); move[XX1]=move[XX2]=-cell[0]; # moving atoms to the other side of the cell #



neco.translate(move) # application of atoms translation #

view(neco); # to check the changes #

write('POSCAR-in',neco) # writing geometry in POSCAR-in#

Similar procedure has to be done for POSCAR-out. Don't forget to visually check everything while running NEB_make_linear.py.

Feel free to add description for older *.sh scripts.