
Ruby wrapper for the Trademe API

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Ruby wrapper for the Trademe API

API available at: developer.trademe.co.nz

Sample usage:

gateway = Trademe::Gateway.new
request_token = gateway.generate_request_token(callback, key, secret)
session[:request_token] = request_token
redirect_to request_token.authorize_url

Upon return to callback url (with params set):

gateway = Trademe::Gateway.new
gateway.request_token = session[:request_token]

You are now verified!

Currently the OAuth system has been implemented so that searches are counted against the “Authenticated rate limit” as per the Trademe website. You can perform searches via the gateway if you have been authorized or not, but non authorized searches are limited to 60 requests per hour!

Perform API searches via:

gateway.search "property/residential", :search_string => "flash apartment", :date_from => 4.hours.ago

This will return an Array of Trademe::Models::Listing

To come:

Planning to add these very soon!

  • Total API coverage

  • Requests for private data that needs authentication

  • Write requests


Feel free to get in touch! It is very early days as the Trademe API was release a week ago. If you want to push a patch, please fork the project, commit the patch to the fork and submit a pull request.

For anything else, send me a me a message via Github github.com/clarketus


This code is free to use under the terms of the MIT license.