We have the following architecture:
PrincipalPage: decides whether to send the user to the following pages:
a. StarshipsPage: can see mainly which are the starships in Star Wars. The principal file component is DetailStarships.jsx In this page you can look to:
- FilmsSubDetail: where those starships appear in the fils
- PilotsSubDetail: which pilots have those starships
b. actorsPage: which are the actors in star wars. The principal file component is DetailActors.jsx
- FilmSubDetail: same as before
- StarshipSubDetail: which are the starships that have those actors Note the Sub detail, meaning that are the detail subjected to something.
LoginPage: when the user is not authenticated
I have developed this architecture, to ensure the escalability (as filmsubsdetail is the same file in both pages). As i have tried to do not have repeated or unused code.