Phoenix API

Phoenix is a framework written in Elixir that allows you to create REST APIs.

To look for the installation informations:

For the base creation of the project, we run the following command:

    mix api --no-html

To create then new controllers for business listing for example, we can create a new Directory controller:

    mix phx.gen.json Directory Business businesses name:string description:text tag:string

So we created a new Business data model, where it will store the name, description and tag. And when we update the new router:

    scope "/api", ApiWeb do
        pipe_through :api
        resources "/businesses", BusinessController, except: [:new, :edit]

Will automatically make the get/post/patch/put.

For the testing, we can add some seed data:

    alias BusiApi.Repo
    alias BusiApi.Directory.Business
    Repo.insert! %Business{name: "Company 1", description: "Short description ...", tag: "IT, Software"}
    Repo.insert! %Business{name: "Company 2", description: "Short description ...", tag: "Marketing"}
    Repo.insert! %Business{name: "Company 3", description: "Short description ...", tag: "Accounting"}