
My quick and dirty Windows aliases.

Primary LanguageBatchfileOtherNOASSERTION

Windows simple aliases.

Moving onto Windows with my new job, i found myself needing a way to run some scripts from cmd.

So i took some inspiration from this stackoverflow answer and decided to roll my own aliases and first script.

Please keep in mind, if you're changing the files/folder locations you might need to also update your aliases.txt file.

Going forward i'm using C:\stuff\aliases\ as the root folder of the aliases.

The actual aliases are stored in autoaliases.txt (automatically generated) and aliases.txt are in the form of


You can browse the aliases folder to see what everything is doing.

Current utils :)


A simple utility that generates a random 24 (configurable) characters password that is output and also gets copied to clipboard


A simple public IP reader (requires curl and uses https://ifconfig.co/ip) - is printed and also copied to clipboard

c (lazy clear)

Just a simpler (and lazyer way of clearing the output).


  • Download the aliases.zip folder. (or simply get the files one-by-one so you can check them out)
  • Extract the contents to the folder C:\stuff\aliases\ (if you want to change this, make sure you edit the add_aliases_registration.reg file to match the new path)
  • Navigate to the C:\stuff\aliases\ folder and execute the file add_aliases_registration.reg file (this will set the default color to green, and makes sure that the file C:\stuff\aliases\register_aliases_on_startup.cmd will be run on every cmd launch)


✅ The list of aliases is generated automatically (in a file called autoaliases.txt) based on the *.bat files that exist in the utils folder. So, if you have a new script that does output something, just place it in that folder and it'll automagically get loaded :)

Add your own aliases in the aliases.txt file. They will be automatically added upon the launch of cmd ()


This repository and it's containing files is licensed under the MIT License.