
An erlang based multiuser chat application

Primary LanguageErlang


Yaychat is a multiuser chat application written using erlang otp applications.


  • Erlang - People using Windows can get the binaries from https://www.erlang.org/downloads, and most linux or unix-like distributions can get those from package managers. OSX is fine with Homebrew.

  • Rebar3- To install rebar3 follow the below steps. Please clone Tag 3.4.0

    $ git clone https://github.com/erlang/rebar3.git
    $ cd rebar3
    $ ./bootstrap
    $ PATH=/usr/local/rebar3:$PATH. 
    $ export PATH

Now clone ErlangChat as follows -

$ git clone https://github.com/nilanjanchakraborty87/ErlangChat.git

Start Chat Server

To start the chat server run the below commands -

$ cd yaychat
$ rebar3 shell --apps yaychat

Start Chat Client

To start the chat client run below commands -

$ cd yay-client
$ rebar3 shell --apps yay_client

Enjoy Chatting!