
lexical analyzer and the parser for the c- language

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


lexical analyzer and the parser for the c- language


Installation instructions

  1. download javcc from https://javacc.org/download
  2. extract archive to the location c:\
  3. confirm the availability of C:\javacc-6.0\bin\lib\javacc.jar
  4. to generate lexical analyzer, parser and supporting scripts:
java -cp C:\javacc-6.0\bin\lib\javacc.jar javacc exparser.jj 
  1. to compile scripts:
javac *.java
  1. to parse c- language script:
java CMParser input.txt 

Example program of c- language

/* A program to perform Euclid's
Algorithm to compute gcd.*/
int i;
int gcd (int u, int v)
if(v==0) return u ;
else return gcd(v, u-u/v*v);
/* u-u/v*v == u mod v*/
void main(void)
int x; int y;
x = input(); y = input();
output(gcd(x, y));

Syntax rules for c-

  1. program -> declaration-list

  2. declaration-list -> declaration-list declaration | declaration

  3. declaration -> var-declaration | fun-declaration

  4. var-declaration-> type-specifier ID ; | type-specifier ID [ NUM ] ;

  5. type-specifier-> int | void

  6. fun-declaration-> type-specifier ID ( params ) compound-stmt

  7. params-> param-list | VOID

  8. param-list-> param-list , param| param

  9. param-> type-specifier ID | type-specifier ID [ ]

  10. compound-stmt-> { local-declarations statement-list }

  11. local-declarations-> local-declarations var-declaration | empty

  12. statement-list-> statement-list statement | empty

  13. statement-> expression-stmt | compound-stmt | selection-stmt | iteration-stmt | return-stmt

  14. expression-stmt-> expression ; | ;

  15. selection-stmt-> if( expression ) statement | if( expression ) statement else statement

  16. iteration-stmt-> while ( expression ) statement

  17. return-stmt-> return ; | return expression ;

  18. expression-> var = expression | simple-expression

  19. var-> ID | ID [ expression ]

  20. simple-expression -> additive-expression relop additive-expression| additive-expression

  21. relop-> < | <= | > | >= | == | !=

  22. additive-expression-> additive-expression addop term | term

  23. addop-> + | -

  24. term-> term mulop factor | factor

  25. mulop-> * | /

  26. factor-> ( expression ) | var | call | NUM

  27. call-> ID ( args )

  28. args-> arg-list | empty

  29. arg-list-> arg-list , expression | expression