
code test for vote.org

Primary LanguageRuby

Address Validator Coding Challenge

Having accurate addresses is important for Vote.org. In this challenge you will be given a very basic rails app that consists of a form with a field for

  • street address
  • city
  • state
  • zip

The goal is to have the form validate the input to see if it forms a valid address and if so, save the address components in the respective columns.

While not all addresses will have a value for every column it is important not to lose any address information provided. For example if an address post direction value or unit value is provided, those must be saved. Additionally any addresses that are not real addresses should not be saved. As a rule, all addresses should have

  • house number
  • street name
  • city
  • state (saved as 2 letter state abbreviation)
  • 5 digit zip code (only numbers)

It is your job to update the Address model and controller so that all validated addresses are saved to the database and no invalid addresses are saved. The Address model also has a #to_s method that needs to be filled in so that it returns the address as a string.

While front end validation and feedback to the user is expected, you should not rely only on front end validations. Additionally a suggested layout has been included in a file labeled "wireframe.png". Feel free to use this mock or come up with a different design of the frontend.

A few test cases have been provided to help get you started. You are encouraged to write more tests as you go, but DO NOT delete any of the existing tests. Also, you may not change the schema.


You'll need the following installed on your system:

  1. ruby
  2. rails
  3. sqlite3

Instructions can be found here: http://guides.rubyonrails.org/getting_started.html#installing-rails

Getting started

To run the project as is:

  1. bundle install
  2. rake db:create
  3. rake db:migrate
  4. rails s

To run the tests:

  1. rails generate rspec:install (When prompted to overwrite spec/spec_helper.rb enter n)
  2. rspec (or bundle exec rspec)

If everything is set up properly you should see 10 examples, 7 failures to start.

Here are some useful resources for Ruby On Rails:

Information on Address standards / validations:

Here are some services that can be used for address validation:

Your finished project should:

  • validate addresses
  • not save any invalid addresses
  • be styled on the front end
  • validate fields on the front end
  • display feedback to the user
  • be well-tested

When submitting the project please answer the following questions:

  1. What gems if any did you choose to use and why?

gem 'jquery-rails' gem 'jquery-validation-rails' gem 'bootstrap' gem "bootstrap_form", ">= 4.0.0.alpha1"

  1. Where there any specific challenges or struggles you faced along the way?
  2. Is there anything you'd want to improve or optimize if you had more time?
  3. If you were to take this project to production, what would be on your list of things to do?