
The webapp for "kulu" (Estonian for expense)

Primary LanguageJava


The webapp for the Kulu app.

Set up

  • Install ruby with rbenv/rvm (version).
  • Find out corresponding bundler version with cat Gemfile.lock | grep -A 1 "BUNDLED WITH" and install with gem install bundler -v <bundler-version>. (This is needed since newer bundler requires Ruby version >= 2.3.0.)
  • gem install ffi -v '1.9.10' --source 'https://rubygems.org/' -- --with-cflags=-Wno-implicit-function-declaration
  • brew install shared-mime-info
  • bundle install to install the required gems. (If nokogiri installation fails due to missing libiconv headers you will need to install extra headers with open /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/Packages/macOS_SDK_headers_for_macOS_10.14.pkg. This is because Xcode 10 on MacOS Mojave and above moves the system headers out of /usr/include causing a build failure for nokogiri.)
  • npm install to install all the js requisites.
Minor note

Since this a rails app, it requires you to setup a DB for the rails server to start up (even though we don't actually use a database for this frontend). Please copy over the database.yml.sample file to database.yml and make the required changes about your username and database and run the following command:

  • run bin/rake db:create db:migrate
  • Copy over application.yml.sample to application.yml
  • Make the necessary config changes, especially the KULU_BACKEND_SERVICE_URL

Once that's done, start the server with:

  • run bin/rails server to the start the server

Once started visit http://localhost:3000

AWS S3 CORS permissions

The JS in the app directly uploads files into S3. For this to work, the CORS permissions need to be set up on the S3 bucket. Steps:

  1. Visit the S3 AWS Console
  2. Select the bucket (see application.yml for the names).
  3. Click Properties tab
  4. Open up the CORS Configuration and change the HTTP methods and headers XML nodes (retain everything else):


Remember to do this for both dev and prod buckets.

Extractor API

The extractor interface, which is used to extract/transcribe expenses for all organizations is separated out from the rest of the code. As we may not need a different end-point for this to work as it could just be regular user-role later on. For easy removal of this, it's split into these files:

  • models/kulu_service/extractor_api.rb
  • controllers/extractor_controller.rb
  • views/extractor/