
A basic introduction to `ggplot2` package in R created by Hadley Wickham

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Introduction to ggplot2 & ggvis in R

This Repository is my attempt at creating a how to manual for ggplot2 basics in R . Later on, I'll add ggvis(definitely) & lattice(maybe) basics too as I delve deeper into plotting & data representation in R.

I'll try to move forward in plot-focused path for this tutorial.

#Chapter 1#

###ggplot2### [ggplot2: Website] (http://ggplot2.org) | [ggplot2: Tutorial] (http://nilesh-patil.github.io/Intro-To-ggplot2)

#####1. Scatter Plots Tutorial Link

a. Basic Scatter Plot

b. Adding Colour,Shape & Size aesthetics

Scatter Plots

2. Line Charts
a. Basic Line Plots
b. Adding Colour,alpha,linetype,size
3. Bar, Histogram & Density plots#####
a. Basic distribution Plots
b. Adding Colour,alpha,fill & other modifications